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Susquehanna, PA, 18847
United States

We are a becoming a Creative Design & Marketing Company created and owned by Sharon York a serial entrepreneur, avid scribbler, Photographer of unique things, Self educated graphic designer, Lover of the Outdoors, sunrises and being an attentive mom. When Lyme Disease changed her life. She and her daughter decided to share their story and develop an online business. Resilience and Love keep them going.

We source Grown & Made in the USA products, made from organic cotton, Hemp or Bamboo and recycled materials or sourced via businesses that have Fair Trade & Wage agreements.

Primarily: Apparel and other useful products used in daily living.

Combined with Environmentally friendly and people safe printing applications. No chemicals linked to illness.

Working toward Self Sustainable Fulfillment and Distribution Facilities and Transportation

A Green Company creating relationships with like minded businesses, non profits, and individuals that wish to create useful products, share knowledge and find alternative solutions that maintain, improve and nurture the planet we live on.

Developing Our Story..

SLY's Journal: Sharon'tude

Sly's Journal Take a walk with me... Random thoughts and my personal stories, discoveries and lessons learned as I learn to live with Lyme and Co-infections. Plus update on the business.

Developing Our Story..

Sharon York

Hey Hey! I love love love this picture of us. Jordyn wanted it to be on the website so we put it on the page that shares OUR STORY. Learn  a little more about us.

**Personal Note***

I spent the morning creating a few videos to post on this blog. Then it happened.. Da da DAHHH... while transferring to the computer I proceeded to delete them. It was an accident.

Needless to say "I was a lil' upset.." Ok.. A LOT upset! But then.. I thought "Oh well, I was nervous about creating them and there has to be a reason this happened?"

When Jordyn got home from school.. I told her what I did. Her response....

"Mom, Even the people at Apple make mistakes!" "Just think of them as practice!" "They will be better next time!"

I was speechless.. It's weird when you hear your own words of compassion and support coming out of your child's mouth! SOOOO.... I will try again. I find it easier to talk into my phone when I have an idea for a design or something I want to chat about. My memory isn't the best thanks to this darn illness. So, I make a google doc that turns my voice into text, its pretty cool, plus I can edit it later. That is how I built most of the website. 

Some of you may be wondering...WHY create a video in the first place?

I would like my Blog/Journal to be more personal. A conversation?  So, I thought I would just make videos. So, I grabbed my morning coffee and went to one of my favorite spots. "My Serenity Space" and starting talking into the phone. It was fun trying this morning...a little weird looking at myself... But, now... I get a do- over! HA!  

In the meantime.. Visit our website and read "OUR STORY". 

Listen, I know I have some grammar and spelling errors. I try to fix them when I see them. I have included a comment area, so don't hesitate to use it! Tell me if you find an error, or just share what you think. The hardest part of doing this. It is "fears" I have doing this. Opening up...about my journey, thoughts feelings, etc. is most difficult. But, I have taken that leap of faith and can't turn back now!  Jordyn and I look forward to meeting and greeting!

Well, That is it for now. 

Enjoy your day and Talk to ya soon!-Sharon


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