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Susquehanna, PA, 18847
United States

We are a becoming a Creative Design & Marketing Company created and owned by Sharon York a serial entrepreneur, avid scribbler, Photographer of unique things, Self educated graphic designer, Lover of the Outdoors, sunrises and being an attentive mom. When Lyme Disease changed her life. She and her daughter decided to share their story and develop an online business. Resilience and Love keep them going.

We source Grown & Made in the USA products, made from organic cotton, Hemp or Bamboo and recycled materials or sourced via businesses that have Fair Trade & Wage agreements.

Primarily: Apparel and other useful products used in daily living.

Combined with Environmentally friendly and people safe printing applications. No chemicals linked to illness.

Working toward Self Sustainable Fulfillment and Distribution Facilities and Transportation

A Green Company creating relationships with like minded businesses, non profits, and individuals that wish to create useful products, share knowledge and find alternative solutions that maintain, improve and nurture the planet we live on.

SLY's Journal: Sharon'tude

Sly's Journal Take a walk with me... Random thoughts and my personal stories, discoveries and lessons learned as I learn to live with Lyme and Co-infections. Plus update on the business.

The Woodpeckers

Sharon York

Good Morning, This morning consisted of my normal routine. I made a fresh pot of coffee, poured myself a cup and headed out to the porch. I enjoy the serenity of the morning hours. This morning I was met with the sound of 3 woodpeckers each creating their own tone of sound while beating their heads against their chosen tree for their morning breakfast that lay hidden beneath the bark.

I have heard them before. in the morning but this morning they seemed relatively close. I wish I could see them this morning and take a picture.

My ear was drawn to the pace of their drumming each bird had a distinct sound and rhythm. I thought about taping this drumming orchestra that mad me think that they seemed to be communicating with each other. One would begin their pounding soon after another had finished. I may try to record them another day. As I listened to each take a turn, I tried to compare the sounds each created with something I had heard before.  

The first woodpeckers produced a deep hollow sound like hitting a hollow tree with a stick at a quick, yet steady pace. Short , quick spurts of a bass type tone.  Dead wood perfect for bugs

The second woodpecker had a much faster pace producing a solid tone for a longer period of time. Like hitting two 2x4 board together. New ,healthy wood. This bird seemed dedicated to the task and was in a hurry.

The third worked at a much slower pace was choosing its blows. The sounds came intermittently like it was calculating its target. Each sound produced seemed dependent upon the location hit. What a patient bird.

t was then that I could see this beautiful woodpecker scurrying around the tree, looking for its next spot to poke at. The red on its head and its size told me it was a mature bird. I decided I was going to attempt to take a picture. I snuck back in the house and retrieved my camera, returning to the porch and finding silence. They had all left.

I began to think about what I had just heard and witnessed. I found humor in the simple process of banging their heads against a tree. In many ways, I can relate to that. I wonder if they get headaches or get dizzy? I guess to them that was not important since they were all hopeful for the same result, to simply find a bug and have breakfast.

I love nature. I enjoy the experiences I have as I take a walk or sit on the porch outside for just a few minutes. I learn from each outing and most I can compare to moments in my life.

I truly believe that nature nurtures nature.

Thanks for strolling with me this morning. Enjoy Your day! - Sharon


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